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Be Dilligent With Your Job Applications
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Why it’s still important to be diligent with your job applications

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago

​​Whether you're leaving your current company for a promotion, better benefits, or work-life balance, it's tempting to apply for as many jobs as possible. However, doing so may be a big mistake.

Firing out bulk job applications often means you miss the mark and make mistakes. You’ll also find yourself losing the enthusiasm you once had. If you don't put your all into it, you won't be able to showcase your knowledge and skill to your full potential and it will quickly become a checklist exercise. Taking the time to research the company and tailor a job application to suit the job description is the smarter thing to do.

Here are our top tips for being diligent with your job applications:

  • Invest your time wisely

One of the most obvious reasons to be diligent is to prevent wasting your time. Of course, you can respond to every email that comes your way by saying "we think you might be interested in this job". It's even easier if there's no lengthy application or cover letter involved, right? Unfortunately, this still takes up time; time that would be better spent focusing on the companies and positions you are truly interested in.

Choosing an employer that aligns with your career objectives and has a culture you are comfortable with is important.

  • Maintaining confidence is crucial

While advancing your career and searching for a new job, it is important to build up and maintain your confidence. Job searching can be stressful, but rejection stinks even more.

Applying for jobs you are not qualified for and not hearing back from them can harm your self-confidence and subsequently make you feel unprepared and unconfident in future interviews. It's better to concentrate on quality applications than hedging your bets with applications that won't lead to viable opportunities.

  • Be picky about where you’re applying

Applying to multiple positions indicates that you are open to taking any job to gain employment and can hurt your chances of being chosen for the interviews, even if your skills match the job. Take the time to determine your career goals. Do your due diligence and research the company, its teams, and how roles contribute to the business. Identify and apply to the position that aligns with your goals and is the best mutual fit for both you and your potential employer, it will benefit you in the long run!

When you apply to multiple jobs, recruitment teams often question your intentions. By applying to only one, or fewer roles, you show recruiters and Hiring Managers that you have carefully considered the role and company before applying and are more likely to get an interview.

  • Putting in effort pays off

When you see a job ad that piques your interest, rather than applying straight away, begin by researching the company, their culture and benefits to ensure the potential offer is suitable to you. Secondly, thoroughly review your existing CV and make sure that you have included as many statements about the desired qualifications for the target position as you can.

During the time you are looking for employment, you should also seek out opportunities to network with employees in your target company. When you prioritise building relationships with employees, you'll create internal advocates who will assist you when the right job opportunity arises.

Avoid falling into the trap of submitting multiple applications, and instead focus on holding out for the right job opportunity. Making your job search more specific not only helps you, but also helps employers see that you are serious about your career. Be selective in deciding which job you want to apply for and take control of your next career move!

For help or advice with job hunting, reach out to one of our friendly teams today.