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The attitudes Recruiters are really looking for

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago

​When searching for a new job it is very easy to focus only on the significance of skills, qualifications and experience and how they will impress any recruiter.

Yes of course your skills, qualifications and experience are vitally important however it might surprise you how important your attitudes and behaviours are to both recruiters and employers when both applying for jobs and trying to gain a promotion.

There is a growing trend within recruitment where a distinct set of attitudes, behaviours and skills are being valued more and more as they are seen as making candidates and employees more able to survive and indeed thrive in a world where there is ongoing and rapid change and where new challenges are an everyday occurrence.

So, what are the attitudes impressing recruiters?
Assertiveness - the ability to be assertive, at the right level, is of vital importance and highlights to a recruiter that you are likely to be a good negotiator and leader. Too much can seem pushy and too little can appear as disinterest. The right amount of assertiveness is where you are able to display impressive verbal, logical and listening skills combined with the ability to persuade and influence whilst remaining empathetic at the same time.
360° Vision - recruiters desire candidates to be open to new ideas, options and solutions and are able to see problems from all angles. Having 360° Vision allows you to challenge the accepted way of doing things and highlights you will be a great leader able to detect problems in good time and create the ideal solution.
Taking action - You need to be able to develop effective strategies and be willing to take direct action by roll up your sleeves and getting stuck in.
Proactiveness - recruiters expect candidates to demonstrate they are able to be proactive with their self-management and initiative and be able to take control of their own learning and development. Recruiters are impressed with candidates who are able to see solutions not problems.